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  • Senior KG Program


    Senior KG Program

    Senior KG Program are now more proficient in communication,reading and writing,and use these skills as the means for presenting ideas,knowledge and as a tool for learning content,concepts and appreciation of large scale environmental and community issues.With increased social and emotional maturity,children continue to work collaboratively in projects,engaged in critical thinking and meaningful explorations of ideas and concepts through problem solving, inquiry,investigations and research.

    Enroll Form


    Focus Areas

    • Children are independent,confident,articulate,creative thinkers who are appreciative of the world and equipped with the life skills and attitudes that are pre-requisites for school readiness and life success.
    • Concepts through problem solving,inquiry,investigations and research. Personal,Emotional and social development.Increased social and emotional maturity,children continue to work collaboratively in  projects,engaged in critical thinking and exploration.

    Our Program Focused

    Senior KG Program is designed for children of 4.8 - 6 years to develop a range of skills & abilities as they prepare for primary school.Our program is set focused to nurture children on following

    • Language Development :  to help children further develop their language skills,such as reading comprehension,vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structures.Our books features more stories & illustrations that can help children understand and practice new language conceps.
    • English and Phonics : helps children solidify their pre-reading skills.Such as phonological awarness,phonics & word recognition.Our books features illustrations and text,which can help children improve their reading fluency and comprehension.
    • Early Maths : to help children further develop their numeracy skills,such as addition,subtraction,multiplication and division.Our books are richly illustrated that can help children understood and practice more advanced mathematical conceps.
    • Cognitive Development : to develop congnitive skills,such as problem solving,reasoning and memory.Understand cause and effect,and learn to make connections between different elements.
    • Social and Emotional Development : develops social and emotional skills,such as empathy,Co-operation and self-regulation.Our books feature relatable character & situations that can help children understood and express their emotions.
    • Environmental Science and General Knowledge ( EVS & GK ): aims  to educate children about the world around them,age appropriate science concepts,includes the environmen and general knowledge.
    • Preparation for primary school : senior KG Program also aim to help children develop the skills and knowledge they need to transition smoothly into primary.